Here are the comment on my friend projects

Mini bow by Natnicha Udomvanakadee.
Personally, the artwork gives me a feeling of lively and refreshment since it can be seen that is made from a bunch of red strawberries, telephones, and shoes. Red color also symbolizes the power and energy of that particular element which catches my attention at first. Moreover, drawing with a small element makes the viewer want to look closer to find what it is.

Umbrella by Tara Emsavana
The creator explained that this artwork was capture by different parts of his body. My favorite part of this is the handle of the umbrella which displays the arm tied to each other. This part looks like the movement of a mechanical structure. Also, since it is made from the skin and different parts of the human body, it looks like a new form of living that similar to the alien.

The little prince stamp by u cole
The creator explained that he tried to capture the character of the little prince in his work. It is known that the little prince symbolizes innocent and but the way he used the red color to paint on the paper. It gives me the feeling of murder movies in which the murderer portrays the victim after execution.

Earrings by Apinya Soithong
In my opinion, this artwork totally changes the aspect of earrings. The arrangement of the thread in the center reminds me of those bacterias and cells when you look through the microscope. The group buttons laid on top of the yellow thread also makes it look stand out since it contrasts with the blue background. Also, it reminds me of trypophobia ( irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps). Overall, the work gives the mood of turbulent and excitement.