What is Wellness community?
A wellness community is a group of people who shared a common goal in a wellness lifestyle through their physical and mental. In other words, people of the community aware of their choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. They give importance to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness, and assure positive interaction in society.
Keywords of this community are:
- Healthy
- Relaxation
- Work out
- Yoga
The Growth of Wellness Community
A report indicates that consumers around the world already spend $3.7 trillion on various forms of wellness, from yoga, meditation apps, spin classes, and sleep monitors to juicers, vitamins, organic food, athletic wear, and more. Since wellness real estate is valued globally at around $134 billion, there’s clearly room for growth.
Observing #wellness #healthymental
- This shows that people from this community love quotation about life and mental health.
- Love their body.
- tend to find peaceful scenery or satisfying pictures
We came up with the idea that we wanted to make the rock have an ideology of natural power to make people feel relaxed and calm. As we know that every rock is naturally born from nature, so when we have the rock around, it can make people feel like they are close to nature. They will feel peace in their mind.
The name of Mouri is inspired by two words; Mountain( Mou) and River(Ri). So we called this form of power with the rock is ‘Mouri’ which people can easily recognize since the root of the word came from natural places. Therefore, people can consider every rock holds the power of Mouri. They can use the rock that they prefer and carry them around.