What is interesting about objects to you?
After reading the article, it made me think of the process before it became an object that we have seen in these days. It shows that some of the objects have been through an experiment and criticizes by the users. The designers even started to change the materials in order to change people’s perspectives such as glasses pan or Salad basket. Their brave make people started to try on different materials and designs. Also, it impacts the other designer to never stop to rethink about improving the quality of the objects. However, when it comes to choosing the objects, I would consider their function and aesthetics of that particular object first. Some people may think of the materials or the story of the objects as well. Therefore, it is interesting that objects can be valued in different ways depending on the viewer.
Does an object have to be functional?
Personally, I think that objects do not need to be functional. Some objects can be just aesthetically pleasing such as snow globe, anime model, or any knick-knack objects. Those objects aimed at only fulfilling the passion or favor of that particular person. While some objects are made for only functional purpose. Likewise, an object can be both aesthetic and functional. Anything can be an object as long as it is capable of being touch and see.
What kind of value (inherent or real) is given to different types of objects?
There are various ways to judge the value of the object. People can appreciate each of the things differently by looking at its shapes, functions, materials, ideas, or even the behind story of the things. Nevertheless, any objects in this world can have their own meaning if people appreciate them and maybe thought of the messages behind it. For example ‘‘snow shovel’’ from Marcel Duchamp, will be just ordinary objects of you look through for the first time, but then after realizing the concept of it, you will see it differently and may laugh about it later.
Who decides what an object is worth
People have a very different taste, passion, and necessity in their life. It cannot be said that people have valued particular objects in the same way. Therefore, the idea of an object is worth depends on an individual person. For instance, an elder who has a health problem with his leg may want to use a wheelchair for traveling. However, younger people who walk normally may consider a bicycle or scooter when they travel a short time.
What is the difference between an art object and a design object?
In my opinion, an art object is mostly aimed at expressing aesthetics and about convey messages from the creators to the audiences. I tend to think that the art object represents the creators idea rather than using them as an object in everyday life. Meanwhile, a design object mainly thinks about the user first. The creators may think of its design and functionality of their product towards the users. According to the articles, I think that design objects’ material needs to build from the manufacturing process as well. It is not something that you can find from nature such as leaf or seashell. Instead, the purpose of design objects focuses more on enhancing human life quality.